

LOL [pr: el-oh-el] - verb:

You should not proceed with this band name, unless your members are between the ages of 13 to 22. Otherwise you will be older, forced to remain silly looking, and forever stuck in the genre we recommend you sound like...such as these guys. We kinda think "LOL" is annoying to read...why not express yourself with "Hahaha" and pay homage to one of our most beloved Simpsons Characters? You should probably sound more punky than Brewster, but be willing to retire your band after your second year of college.

ME LOVE YOU, LONG TIME [pr: mee luhv yoo lawng tayhm] - pronoun, verb, pronoun, adjective, noun :

You're wacky, you're fun, you're light-hearted indie rock, you watch Stanley Kubrick, or think 2 Live Crew is kitschy. It couldn't hurt to have a cute, female, bass player in the band...who is Asian. Trust me, she won't mind this band name.

THE CHEAP THRILLS [pr: cheep thrils] - adjective, verb:

This kind of creative license allows you to be the kind of musicians that even The Strokes or Jason Schwartzman could easily beat up. But, you still have the potential for a one-record, record deal. You relocated with your bandmates from Oregon, to San Francisco. Your 4.3 Pitchfork album rating earned you an opener slot touring with She & Him. But, you guys are not allowed to look at or talk to Zooey Deschanel directly.

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