
What is The Book of Band Names?!

The premise for this online resource is simple.  For years, we've felt that there's too many musicians out there, who are just incapable of naming their bands.  There are sometimes 3, 4, possibly more band members, and yet you can't seem to collectively come up with a moniker that will prevent you from being mocked.

Now, we'll be the first to admit that we're quite fond of some bands with questionable band name choices, however, if you can't overcome your mediocre name with the quality of your sound, then you sirs and m'ams are at an impasse.

That's where we come in.  We will compile a list of band name suggestions(as frequently as possible), let you know what we think you should sound like, look like, and the types of drugs we think would aid your creativity/downfall.  We'll leave the MySpace band page layout to you.

Before we go any further, here's a sampling of some band names that make us feel shame for you.  Come on, 'Doom Tree'?  'Taintstick'?  'Super Villains'?  Music is one of those things we think its acceptable to 'judge a book by its cover'...and these covers make us think you should put your instruments and equipment up on Craigslist sooner than later.

We plan on putting our first recommendations for band names up this week...we'd love to hear what you think of them...if you're a band that's stuck, you may even feel free to use these suggestions!  Stay posted.


The Book of Band Names

PS-Check out a video of the recent Descendents reunion, in Austin, Texas last week.  Now, there's a good band name..."The Descendents".  Makes you think of primal type things, and more importantly, looks good as patches sewn on the back of high school kid's backpacks, after all these years...

The Descendents performing "Bikeage" at The Fun, Fun, Fun Fest in Austin, Texas.

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